Sunny Chinese Center Celebrate the Journey: End of School Year Bash

by Mickey Song

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty members and volunteers,

It is with great pleasure and deep pride as we gathered celebrating the successful academic year at our esteemed New Hyde Park Memorial High School on Jun 4th 2023. The past year has been filled with growth, achievement, and moments that will forever shape our collective journey towards language mastery and cultural appreciation.

First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our volunteers. Your unwavering support and engagement have played a vital role in our students’ success. Your active involvement in their education and your commitment to fostering a supportive learning environment have greatly contributed to their progress.

I would like to thank our diligent and dedicated students. Your commitment to learning the Chinese language and embracing its rich cultural heritage is truly commendable. Each Sunday, from Fall to Spring, from Winter to Summer, you have walked into our classrooms with eagerness, and a hunger for knowledge. your progress has been nothing short of remarkable.

This year has been a testament to the fact that language learning extends beyond textbooks and classrooms. We have witnessed the transformative power of language in bridging cultural divides and fostering understanding. Through our language immersion programs, cultural activities, you have experienced firsthand the beauty of the Chinese language and the depth of its heritage. Your ability to navigate the complexities of the language and your appreciation for its nuances have grown tremendously.

I also want to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of our extraordinary faculty members. Your tireless efforts and passion for teaching have undoubtedly shaped the future of our students. You have embraced the responsibility of nurturing young minds with great care, instilling in them not only linguistic proficiency but also a profound appreciation for Chinese culture and History. Your unwavering support and guidance have been instrumental in their academic achievements and personal growth.

Furthermore, I extend my deepest gratitude to the parents and guardians present here today. Together, we have formed a strong partnership in equipping our students with the tools they need to navigate the ever-changing world with confidence and cultural understanding.

As we reflect on the past year, let us also look towards the future. In the coming year, we will continue to expand our curriculum, incorporate innovative teaching methodologies, and provide exciting avenues for cultural exploration.

Finally, I want to leave you all with a quote from Confucius: “知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。” which means “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” Through our collective efforts in nurturing the linguistic and cultural competencies of our students, we are sowing the seeds of a brighter future—a future marked by understanding, harmony, and collaboration.

Congratulations to each and every one of our students for their remarkable accomplishments. May your journey continue to be filled with knowledge, growth, and endless possibilities.


阳光中文学校是非盈利语言学校,坐落在美丽的新海德公园 ,(New Hyde park Memorial High School)主要帮助华裔孩子和非华裔孩子学习中文,了解中国文化,增进交流。任课教师都有丰富的教学经验。我校采用最经典的中文学习教材,暨南大学的《中文》教材,这是中国侨办委托暨南大学华文学院专门为海外的华裔孩子编写的。从听说读写全方面提高学生的中文水平。我们采用小班制教学。2023-2024 年度招生的班级如下: 中文Pre-K (4-5 years old),汉语拼音班 (Alphabetical  level),中文一年级,中文二年级,中文三年级,中文四年级。我们选择倡导有执照的优秀老师加盟。这里老师名单(部分)

打开报名表 (Click on the URL to open the registration form) .

注:退费规定点击这里: Click here for cancellation policies 

See following for September 2023 to June 2024 Class Schedule. For detailed schedule click here to download.  详细课程表点击这里

9/10/2023 (First Day)9/17/20239/24/2023
10/1/202310/15/202310/22/2023 10/29/2023
3/3/20243/10/20243/17/2024 3/24/2024
5/5/20245/12/20245/19/2024 (Final Exam)

2022-2023 Remaining classes

5/7/20235/14/20235/21/2023(Final Exam)
6/4/2023(Last Day, 结业典礼)